
March is National Nutrition Month. Why nutrition is a miracle? Why does it matter foremost? March 8, 2022 10:57

Dr Beetroot is resuming the blogging after few years. Nutrition is a miracle subject. 'March' is 'National Nutrition Month' in Canada. Nutrition supplementation does some times impact the life like  a divine work that does miracles. 'Health foods', 'functional foods', 'nutraceuticals', 'supplements', what ever we name them they help the human surgically perform better. An athlete who missed the podium by missing the target with fraction of seconds or fraction of millimeters or fraction of pounds can tell us the preciousness of the nutritional diets. A poor is a poor because he/she is deprived of required nutrition. Human beings can not break the cycle of poverty because of the insufficient nutrition only. A proper prenatal vitamins and other related nutrition supplemented mom can prevent the autism in their baby.

USA's NASA consecutively failed for six times in successfully launching and operating the Ranger Spacecrafts to moon. When Ranger 7 was launched the mission trajectory engineer Dick Wallace passed peanuts out to the JPL teams to calm their nerves. This was happened on July 28, 1964. From then onwards, the peanuts have shown up in informal countdown check lists on all the future launches until now for last 56 years. On a few occasions, the peanuts didn't make it for launch day. In one case, the spacecraft was lost soon after launch. In another, the launch was delayed for 40 days, and only took place after the lucky peanuts were delivered to the mission team. Read the full story in this link   

Here the interesting reality is the peanut is not just or simply a lucky item to keep it during such 'holding nerve' events. The nutrition say Folic Acid / Folate / Iron etc. what peanut is offering to such innovative; fathering; mothering; massive unique engineering works matter. An in-depth scientific study can reveal it.

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Ukrainian Vs President Obama: Does his first name Barack have any link to Beetroot? September 27, 2019 19:44

Does President Obama's first name Barack has any link to the super food Beetroot?

Special Day for Nutrich Beets Today May 10, 2015 12:11

Today is Mothers’ Day. Nutrich Beets' principal Anan’s mom introduced him the Beetroot not only as a vegetable but she taught practically though not scientifically the medicinal value of it. Now that origin hailed from a ‘Naturopath’ family has evolved and emerged as a beetroot based business with a mission of ‘Beetrootifying our food habits’ and with a vision of ‘bringing out as many food products primarily made of beetroot as possible’. This is one of the great examples of how a person’s life can be very much positively impacted by his/her mother and through how she can contribute to the world. Great Salute to that mom who was the first mentor for this business.

Today, Nutrich Beets has achieved its one of the main dreams of supplying Nutrich Beet Products to a multi branched large stores. Yes, currently you can find our Nutrich Beet Ketchup, Beet Sauce, Beet Juice Drink at the shelves of all four locations of Red River Coop food stores ( )  at Grant Park, St.Vital, Southdale, and Main Street. Red River Coop food store locations celebrated their first year birth anniversary couple of days ago.

Red River Coop not only ordered Nutrich Beets but also another 14 small scale local food producers in Manitoba who are proud partners of BuyManitoba program run by Manitoba Food Producers Associations. BuyManitoba played a great role of connecting RedRiver Coop and these 15 screened small scale local food producers. 

All these 15 food producers sampled their products in one of the four locations of Red River Coop. Nutrich Beets, on its part, provided demo at Grant Park location on Friday between 1pm to 6pm and Saturday between Noon to 5 pm. For next two months, Buy Manitoba products are on Manager’s special sale. See the effect of Buy Manitoba Spirit. This following picture was snapped by another Buy Manitoba participant at St.Vital coop location. 

After Quebec, Manitobans especially Winnipeggers realized the need and started supporting the local foods greatly in Canada.

What is Local Foods?

  • The food products that cannot be industrially easily made
  • Mostly ByHand made with care and love
  • Natural (No chemicals)
  • No compromise on taste, quality, and ingredients where as the industrially made products were compromised due to the mechanical restrictions and to targeting higher shelf life
  • Made with local ingredients

What is BuyManitoba

  • Locally sourced fresh ingredients & processed in Manitoba. ( ). Buy Manitoba program is run by Manitoba Food Processors Association. They work towards recognizing and promoting Buy Manitoba foods.

29 Years Before on this day at Chernobyl! The role of beetroot to combat irradiation effects in Eastern Europe April 27, 2015 11:32

Many friends of mine, who are living in Chernobyl irradiated areas in Belarus eat beetroot or other vegetables which act against free radicals.

  • Jan Hemmer, Member of the Fund “For the Children of Chernobyl”, Germany / Belarus

Read his full comments here

Mikkai on July 12, 2011 at 2:06 pm said:

The half-life and biological significance of a radionuclide is not affected by cleanup, elimination or cure or eating herbs. It is a dangerous euphemism.

In search of hope (which is normal and human and important!) or for more money (busniess men and esoteric people) more and more people accept the myth that you can “clean” or “cure” or “eliminate” radiation (which is un scientific and lacking ethic).

It is dangerous to think that you can clean or cure radiation. Because this can lead to “accepting radiation and living in an irradiated area” – happening in Belarus and the Ukraine. Radiation is not dirt. Radiation is not a virus. EVACUATION! Not curing or cleaning or elimination.

Radionucleides (Cesium 137, Strontium 90, Iodine 131, Plutonium, soon Americium) are already in the food chain in Japan.

Many friends of mine, who are living in Chernobyl irradiated areas in Belarus eat beetroot or other vegetables which act against free radicals. The production of free radicals of Oxygen (O² with a negative electric charge) is caused… by ionising effect of the low radiation there.

The damage to the immune system due to low-level radiation can be controlled to some extent by measures that strengthen the immune system: antioxidant, vitamin C, vitamin E. If you have low-level radiation in addition to other mechanisms, the formation of free radicals by antioxidants such as vitamin C or E can be partly lifted. However this is NOT and NEVER a shield or any kind of protection against radiation, mind you.

with kind regards,

Jan Hemmer, Member of the Fund “For the Children of Chernobyl”, Germany / Belarus


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Nutrition Month March: Wheat... Meat... Beet... March 4, 2015 13:51

March is the National Nutrition Month in Canada. This is the perfect time to reflect on our nutrition perspectives.  Generally cereals particularly wheat satisfies the human energy need. Wheat is eaten in many forms like bread, bun, doughnut, or any other such baked items. Wheat is converted into sucrose and glucose and finally utilised by our body as energy in certain amount of calories. Wheat could also be the source of carbohydrate. Meat being animal protein satisfies the human need of protein and lipid the other two essential nutrients for meatarians. For vegetarians, the pulses and dairy products substitute the meat’s role. Those above nutrients may be essential for living but cannot guarantee a healthy living or a nutritious eating. Because, there are some side effects due to those wheat and meat or pulses or dairies in terms of gluten, improper in production, processing, and preparing of foods. Only vegetables, fruits, greens, and herbs can guarantee such healthy living because they have the most essential vitamins, minerals, and phyto-nutrients. They can also fix the side effects of consuming wheat & meat. There is a vegetable that is time-tested; part of almost all the cultures across the world; rich source of most important nutrients; a supplementing super food; most intense of vegetables. That is Beetroot. Fatty people who are cautiously looking for low calorie food should know, a 100g of raw beetroot has only 43 calories which is 2% of recommended daily allowance. It also has 0% fat & 0% cholesterol; 10% fibre; 10% iron; 27% folate; 6% magnesium; 14% manganese; 8% copper; 8% vitamin C; and 7% potassium of RDA. It also has most essential phyto nutrients like beta carotene 20 microgram and Betaine 129 mg. Beetroot is a vegetable but you can make a juice out of it like a fruit as it has good vit C content. It is more than equivalent to a prenatal vitamin tablet; more than a digestive help supplement. Nitric Oxide, the magic component in beetroot widens the blood vessel thereby reduce or prevent the risk of heart attack. It also reduces the oxygen uptake there by one who consumes beetroot or juice feels stronger as he/she needs comparatively less oxygen to do a same work.  Betaine, another magic component & high anti-oxidant in beetroot fights against cancer and increases the hemoglobin content in the blood so that oxygen is carried to all the cells that reduce the blood pressure as well as anti-age the body. So what else can be called super food other than Beetroot.

Nutrich Beets Online store launched December 22, 2014 09:11

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained