
29 Years Before on this day at Chernobyl! The role of beetroot to combat irradiation effects in Eastern Europe April 27, 2015 11:32

Many friends of mine, who are living in Chernobyl irradiated areas in Belarus eat beetroot or other vegetables which act against free radicals.

  • Jan Hemmer, Member of the Fund “For the Children of Chernobyl”, Germany / Belarus

Read his full comments here

Mikkai on July 12, 2011 at 2:06 pm said:

The half-life and biological significance of a radionuclide is not affected by cleanup, elimination or cure or eating herbs. It is a dangerous euphemism.

In search of hope (which is normal and human and important!) or for more money (busniess men and esoteric people) more and more people accept the myth that you can “clean” or “cure” or “eliminate” radiation (which is un scientific and lacking ethic).

It is dangerous to think that you can clean or cure radiation. Because this can lead to “accepting radiation and living in an irradiated area” – happening in Belarus and the Ukraine. Radiation is not dirt. Radiation is not a virus. EVACUATION! Not curing or cleaning or elimination.

Radionucleides (Cesium 137, Strontium 90, Iodine 131, Plutonium, soon Americium) are already in the food chain in Japan.

Many friends of mine, who are living in Chernobyl irradiated areas in Belarus eat beetroot or other vegetables which act against free radicals. The production of free radicals of Oxygen (O² with a negative electric charge) is caused… by ionising effect of the low radiation there.

The damage to the immune system due to low-level radiation can be controlled to some extent by measures that strengthen the immune system: antioxidant, vitamin C, vitamin E. If you have low-level radiation in addition to other mechanisms, the formation of free radicals by antioxidants such as vitamin C or E can be partly lifted. However this is NOT and NEVER a shield or any kind of protection against radiation, mind you.

with kind regards,

Jan Hemmer, Member of the Fund “For the Children of Chernobyl”, Germany / Belarus


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