
Testimonial from Margita, Wpg and Peter Wieb, Wpg on Cold pressed beet juice. Visit this you tube link     https://youtu.be/8Go6yntOjjY 


Testimonial from HAL ANDERSON, Winnipeg Sun, Feb 16, 2019 Edition Page 2


I was doing some shopping with my wife Jackie at Save On Foods on Mcphillips and I came across a whole section dedicated to local food products. Great idea SOF! I picked up a couple of products made here in Winnipeg by Dr. Beetroot...beet Ketchup and Beet Sauce.

Both are great! But wanting to know more, I emailed the address on the bottles and I heard right back from Dr. Beetroot himself, Anan Palanichamy. I had him on my radio show this week and he brought with him some of his other products including Beet Chips and Beet Spread. I’m all about buying local so look for Dr. Beetroot stuff in your favourite grocery store or go online to drbeetroot.ca.